الحساب المثلثي ثالثة اعدادي -المراجعة للامتحان
الحساب المثلثي
الحساب المثلثي ثالثة اعدادي
تمارين تطبيقية
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الحساب المثلثي ثالثة اعدادي -ملخص الدرس وتمارين تطبيقية
الاشتراك في:
تعليقات الرسالة
it very good i love it
ردحذفmrc bzaaaaaaaaaaaaaf had lmaw93 zwin lah iwafa9kom bi maziid mina l3amal
حذفwa tawfi9 incha2alah
merccccccccccci bbbbbbbbbbbbeaucoup maw9i3 zwin
ردحذفاريد الدرس مكتوبا وليس مرئيا
ردحذفthat site isn't very good because we need exercices and their solutions and not the lesson
ردحذفbecause the lesson is easy
well there is exercices and their solutions too u just need to search more and about the lesson ,it isn't easy for everyone ^^
حذفmerci beaucoup rabé y5alékom 3la had les explications ♥ millieur site
ردحذفtbarkalah 3lik aéostad had les explication rahom sa3doni bazaf f lexamain merci ostad
ردحذفmrc bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzf hadchi zwin
ردحذفmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrc bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzf
ردحذفmerci beaucoup ostad hade charhe nf3ni bzaaf fdourous dyali tbarkllah 3likk
ردحذفwaw 3awantoni bazaf had almo9i3 zwin chokran bazzzzaaaaaaaaaaaf lah iwafa9kom
ردحذفlah yjazikom bikhir w chokran bzaaaaaff bzaaaaaf 3la had sit o chokr lkbir tayrj3 l2ostad saraha tbark lah 3lih kayfhm mzn w merci
ردحذفجزاكم الله خيرا
ردحذفMrc bzzaf stafedt bezzaf inxaa lah ywefa9kom
ردحذف(wakha maykounouch 3atyina choun howa l watar dial triangle (tamrine 1 :D
ردحذفmerci beaucoup ostad tbarkllah 3likk
ردحذفشكراااااااااااااااااااااااا لقد فهمت درس